Month: December 2019

Children Who Attend Schools with Green Space Are Less Likely to Have ADHD

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Researchers at Guangzhou’s South China Institute of Environmental Sciences found that children at schools with more trees and green space are less likely to have ADHD. After assessing the surrounding environments of the schools of almost 60,000 youngsters in China, the study showed that children were less likely to have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder if their school offered ….  Read More

New Woodland Management Resources for Educators

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Today the Sylva Foundation launches a set of new woodland management resources for teachers, Forest School leaders and other outdoor educators, through the myForest for Education website. myForest for Education is a free online application that enables educators to produce simple maps and management plans for their outdoor education sites, and has been designed in ….  Read More

The Future of Furniture Craft Education

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Our Head of Wood School, Joseph Bray, writes about his recent experience completing a Churchill Fellowship exploring furniture education in the US and Scandinavia. Download Joseph Bray’s report for the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust: The Future of Furniture Craft Education This time last year I was returning from the first leg of my Churchill travelling ….  Read More