Month: June 2022

Call for urgent action to adapt forests to climate change

0 commentsadaptationAnnouncementsclimate changeFCCPforestryForestry and Climate Change PartnershipresilienceSCIENCE

Forestry, conservation and government organisations have come together to reaffirm their commitment to work together to promote the importance of adapting trees, woods and forests to climate change.   The Forestry and Climate Change Partnership (FCCP) has published the Forestry and Climate Change Adaptation Accord which sets out a collective vision that Britain’s trees woods ….  Read More

Sourcing and Using Home-Grown Wood Products

0 commentsAnnouncementshome-grownposition statementWOOD

Sylva Foundation’s views on sourcing and using home-grown wood products. Using more wood products sourced from UK forests will stimulate our economy while improving the environmental condition of more woodlands, reducing wood-miles (carbon footprint of importing timber), and help reconnect people with the benefits of a working countryside. Sylva Foundation has set out its views ….  Read More