Category: Early Childhood

A MILESTONE IN THE STUDY OF NATURE’S BENEFITS: From Intuitive Understanding to Overwhelming Evidence

0 commentsChildren & Nature NetworkEarly ChildhoodEDUCATIONResearchThe New Nature Movement - Columns by Guest Writers

Thirty years ago, I was a newly hired faculty member in the Department of Special Education at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. Many of my graduate students were working as teachers in classrooms with young children with disabilities. Teaching strategies, at the time, were based in part on behavior modification principles. This approach uses ….  Read More

HEADING TO THE FOREST: Bringing Joy, Accomplishment & Hope to Children

0 commentsAccessAlliesEarly ChildhoodEDUCATIONEquityFamilyNearby NatureOutdoor PlayregionalThe New Nature Movement - Columns by Guest Writers

This is the second installment of a two-part series. In the first part of this article, we visited a nature-based early childhood program in a forest preserve on the western edge of Chicagoland. Here, children found treasure, became pirates, engineered a raft/bridge and adventured for long distances in the winter woods. In this part, we’ll ….  Read More