Call for urgent action to adapt forests to climate change
Forestry, conservation and government organisations have come together to reaffirm their commitment to work together to promote the importance of adapting trees, woods and forests to climate change. The Forestry and Climate Change Partnership (FCCP) has published the Forestry and Climate Change Adaptation Accord which sets out a collective vision that Britain’s trees woods …. Read More
What Future for our Iconic Oak?
Forest managers and others with an interest in trees are invited to share their knowledge and expertise with a team of researchers who are aiming to discover how declining health is affecting trees across the UK, and to understand views on possible new treatments. Future Oak project The survey is part of the Future Oak …. Read More
British Woodlands Survey 2020 launched
The British Woodlands Survey 2020 (BWS2020) has been launched and remains open until the end of June. In this new survey, researchers want to understand awareness, action and aspiration among Britain’s forestry community to environmental change. BWS2020 comes five years after the ground-breaking British Woodlands Survey of 2015 which explored the same themes, and this …. Read More