Category: Vitamin N

BUCKET FULL OF NATURE: A Fun Indoor Nature Challenge for Families

0 commentsFamilyLocalNearby NatureThe New Nature Movement - Columns by Guest WritersVitamin N

During the COVID-19 crisis, if you’re experiencing cabin fever and your kids (and you) are climbing (or drawing on) the walls indoors, we’ve got a plan to keep you connected with nature! The mental, physical, social and emotional benefits of regular and meaningful opportunities to connect with nature are many and vital for the health of ….  Read More

VITAMIN N FOR THE SOUL: How Nature Can Nourish the Spirit of Children and Adults

0 commentsFamilyreligionRichard LouvspiritualityThe New Nature Movement - Columns by Richard LouvVitamin N

Matthew, my youngest son, once asked me if a connection to a higher power is, in fact, an underutilized sense—one that some people find activated in nature. This is the same son who, when he was five, asked, “Are God and Mother Nature married, or just good friends?” Great questions. Most religious traditions, especially in ….  Read More