Recently, I asked folks to send stories about animals who had changed their lives. Artist Susan McDonnell sent me her story, told through a painting. As an explanation for the painting, here is what she wrote: “In the early 2000s, I lived in a house with a small garden pond. In the late Spring, a Red …. Read More
10 Nature Activities to Help Get Your Family Through the Pandemic
If the coronavirus spreads at the rate that some experts believe it will, schools and workplaces will continue to close. Here’s one thread of silver lining. We’ll have more time for each other, and for nature. “Do not stay inside all the time: your vitamin D level goes down,” advises John de Pluma, MD, a …. Read More
VITAMIN N FOR THE SOUL: How Nature Can Nourish the Spirit of Children and Adults
Matthew, my youngest son, once asked me if a connection to a higher power is, in fact, an underutilized sense—one that some people find activated in nature. This is the same son who, when he was five, asked, “Are God and Mother Nature married, or just good friends?” Great questions. Most religious traditions, especially in …. Read More